Get to Know the Staff: Roger Weitz
Roger Weitz
General Director
Length of time you have worked with Opera Omaha:
5 years
Six-word summary of your job/duties/what you do:
Chief Executive Officer and Artistic Planner
Describe the best or most rewarding part of your job:
Joining incredible staff, Board, artists, volunteers, audience, and community in bringing incredible works of art to life. It is highly rewarding to be a part of the process from start to finish: from the inception of an idea to the final performance.
What is something you do in your position that people might not expect:
I’m an obsessive proofreader
Your all-time favorite opera or theatrical production:
Sometimes a live performance of a beautiful work comes at a pivotal time in your life and the result is beyond magic. One of those biggest moments for me was a performance of Tristan und Isolde at the Lyric Opera of Chicago in 2000; the finale of the opera – the Liebestod – almost sent me over the edge.
Your unofficial position in the company:
The Optimist
Your secret talent:
Making budgets bend to my will
Create a super-hero persona based on your position in the company:
El Capitan
The Copy Machine
Outside of the office you can be found doing… :
Jumping on a trampoline with my 5-year old son, Freddie