Your Opera Experience
Worried about your first opera experience?
Opera Omaha is committed to creating a welcoming and positive environment for every audience member. Read below for some more info about how you can make the most of your opera experience.
Specific information for each production can be found our our blog.
Understanding the languages of opera
Performances will have English supertitles projected above the stage so you can follow along. We don’t expect you to learn a new language for the performance.
Ways to prepare
If you’re new to a certain performance, it’s great to read the synopsis provided on our website and included in your program book. You can also attend the Prelude Talk, a mini-lecture 50 minutes prior to every show that offers context and insights to help prepare you to enter the world of the opera.
What to wear
Opera Omaha recommends that you dress to enjoy the evening or day. Many people like to dress up when they go to the opera—it’s considered part of the fun. Feel free to wear whatever makes you feel confident and comfortable! You can choose to dress up or dress down and you’ll see fellow opera-goers usually wearing a range from casual to formal attire. Some people like to dress up to come to the opera, and some come in jeans. You can dress up or down, but make sure you wear something that makes YOU feel comfortable.

When to arrive
It is recommended to arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to curtain time. If you’re late, there is a late seating plan that will allow you to enter at a good time. Opera Omaha provides live video in the lobby of the Orpheum Theater for patrons who arrive late or step out of the auditorium before the act break.

About the Orchestra
The orchestra members enter the pit and tune their instruments before the show begins. When done, the instrumentalists become quiet. Next, the conductor enters the pit. It is acceptable (and appreciated!) for the audience to applaud the entry of the conductor. The conductor nods to the audience, faces the orchestra at their podium, and raises arms signaling the start of the overture.

During the opera
Like a movie theater, talking and noise should be limited. It’s also important to turn your cell phone and other electronic devices off. Please note that no photography or recording of any kind is permitted.
When to applaude
We love to know how you feel about the performance. It is traditional (and appreciated!) to applaud after an overture (the musical opening). Singers perform arias in the middle of scenes—some of which will be recognizable to you. Show your appreciation if it's done well. Customarily, applauding at the end of each scene is appreciated. If you are not sure if a time is appropriate for applause, just follow the lead of the rest of the audience.
The house staff and ushers
The House Staff and volunteer ushers are there not only to assist you to your seats, but also to help you when any unusual situation or emergency arises. As a courtesy to your fellow patrons, please follow their instructions.