Fortissimo Society
A tangible legacy securing the future of both Opera and Omaha
For more than six decades, Opera Omaha has served our entire region as a significant cultural resource. Each year, tens of thousands are inspired, entertained, and changed by our work on and off the stage. The future of this work is secured through the remarkable generosity of individuals, known as the Fortissimo Society, who have made sustaining financial gifts through their estates, wills, and trusts.
Members of Opera Omaha’s Fortissimo Society have made arrangements to support Opera Omaha and its innovative role in the cultural vibrancy of our region for generations to come. Today, by including Opera Omaha in your estate plans, you can help ensure that the future of opera in our community is protected for years to come.
Fortissimo Society Members
Peppy* and Norman* Bahr
Jo Bartikoski and Don Westling
Betty L. Beach, PhD
Kathleen Joan Bradley
Sandra L.E. and William C. Bruns
Debra and Bob Culver
Ike and Roz Friedman Foundation
Linda and David Gardels
Connie and Geof* Heiden
Mary and Charles* Heider
Mary* and Richard* D. Holland
Aline Hosman*
Sally and Gary* Kaplan
Joanne and David Kolenda
Rabbi Myer S.* and Dorothy Kripke*
Graham Lusk*
Charles MacKay and Cam McCluskey
Ann* and Allan* Mactier
Constance B. Meunier*
Sharee and Murray Newman
Ephraim L. Marks* and David M. Rice*
Mark Allen Maser
Pauline D. Nelson*
Joan F.* and Richard L.* O’Brien
Ann and Paul O'Hara
Mr. Robert E. Owen
Mary and Richard Parrish
Thompson H. Rogers*
Ruth and William* Scott
Howard Silberg*
Eve and Fred* Simon
Dr.* and Mrs. Michael Sorrell
Dr. Judith Stoewe*
Mary Ann and Jerrold* Strasheim
Janet and Jerry Syslo
Bruni and Roy* Thylin
Margaret Wiltse*
Mary Beth and James Winner
Annie F. Zinn*
We are grateful to the following individuals who designated a portion of their estate to support Opera Omaha, upon their passing.
Rabbi Myer S.* and Dorothy Kripke*
Pauline D. Nelson*
Howard Silberg*
Margaret Wiltse*
Annie F. Zinn*
Special Funds
We thank the donors who have established restricted funds to honor a family, friend and loved one. These named funds provide important ongoing support through Opera Omaha’s endowment.
The Barbara Willson Fund
The Jane Hill Education Fund
The William Randolph Hearst Fund
Creating Your Legacy
There are many ways to make a legacy gift to Opera Omaha. Some planned gifts can be made without giving any money right now; others will provide an income to you or return assets to family members. To tailor your planned giving to your specific needs, we recommend engaging financial advisors in your planning and decision-making.
You designate a specific percentage or dollar amount to be donated to Opera Omaha through your will or living trust. Or, after other specific bequests have been made, you can direct the remainder of your estate to Opera Omaha.
IRAs or Retirement Plans
Many people prefer to give retirement plan assets as fully tax-deductible charitable gifts and support family members through other assets to avoid having to pay both income and estate taxes on their retirement plans.
Life Insurance
Naming Opera Omaha as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy is one of the simplest ways to make a planned gift – and can immediately make available charitable deductions, tax-savings, and lower estate tax liability in the future.
Other common planned gift types include:
Gifts of Real Estate
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable Lead Trusts
For more information
For more information about ways to give or to inform Opera Omaha of your estate plans, please contact Joe Prickett, Director of Development, at jprickett@operaomaha.org or (402) 346-7372 EXT201.